Insurance Agent with clients

42+ Best ChatGPT Prompts for Insurance Agents

Looking for the best ChatGPT prompts for Insurance Agents?

To help you in your daily work, we’ve compiled a list of 100 helpful prompts that you can use to generate scripts, create templates, and generate ideas to improve your sales, client management, underwriting, claims, and compliance processes. These prompts are designed to provide value and help you succeed in the insurance industry.

You can use the prompts as a starting point for a conversation with ChatGPT or another AI text generator. Just copy and paste the prompts into ChatGPT or any other AI-Text-Generator, like Jasper.

Table of Contents

Increase Sales

Write a personalized email to a potential client explaining your services and the benefits they will receive from your insurance.
Create a list of potential leads and prioritize them based on their likelihood to convert.
Generate a script to follow during a sales call that highlights the most important features of your insurance policy.
Write a template for a sales proposal that you can tailor to the needs of different clients.
Create a follow-up plan to use after making a sales pitch to help convert potential clients into paying customers.
Write a cold calling script that will help you get your foot in the door with potential clients.
Create a list of objections potential clients might raise and prepare responses that address each one.
Write an email to send to previous clients to encourage them to renew their policy with you.
Generate a list of FAQs that potential clients might have about your insurance policy and write out detailed answers to each one.
Create a referral program to incentivize current clients to refer new business to you.

Client Management

Write a script to follow during a client onboarding call that introduces them to your team and services.
Generate a list of personalized gift ideas to send to clients during the holidays or to celebrate milestones.
Create a process for following up with clients after a claim has been filed to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.
Write a template for sending out renewal notices to clients and include all necessary information to make the renewal process as seamless as possible.
Generate a plan for checking in with clients periodically throughout the year to make sure they are satisfied with their policy.
Create a script for conducting a client satisfaction survey and use the feedback to improve your services.
Write a template for sending out billing statements that clearly outlines what the client is paying for and when payment is due.
Generate a plan for responding to negative feedback from clients and addressing their concerns.
Create a process for upselling or cross-selling additional services to existing clients.
Write a template for a client newsletter that provides updates on industry trends and tips for managing risk.


Write a guide for underwriting a policy for a new client and include all necessary information to make an informed decision.
Generate a list of red flags to look out for when underwriting a policy and how to mitigate risk.
Create a checklist of information needed to underwrite a policy and make sure all necessary information is collected before making a decision.
Write a script for conducting a risk assessment interview with potential clients and gathering necessary information to underwrite their policy.
Generate a plan for reviewing existing policies and making changes to reduce risk or ensure compliance.
Create a process for collaborating with other underwriters to ensure consistency in decision-making and risk assessment.
Write a template for an underwriting report that summarizes your decision-making process and outlines key factors that led to your decision.
Generate a list of common exclusions or limita


Write a step-by-step guide for clients to follow when filing a claim and include all necessary documentation.
Generate a list of red flags to look out for when processing claims and how to verify the validity of the claim.
Create a process for communicating with clients throughout the claims process and keeping them informed of progress and expected timelines.
Write a template for a claims denial letter that provides clear and concise explanations for why the claim was denied.
Generate a plan for investigating suspicious or potentially fraudulent claims and how to report findings to the appropriate authorities.
Create a process for coordinating with third-party vendors, such as adjusters or investigators, to assess claims and determine coverage.
Write a script for conducting a claim review with clients to ensure their satisfaction with the outcome and address any concerns or issues.
Generate a list of key performance indicators to track for claims processing and use data to continuously improve the process.
Create a process for settling claims and ensuring timely and accurate payment to clients or service providers.
Write a template for a claims report that summarizes the details of the claim, the decision-making process, and the outcome.


Write a guide to regulatory compliance in the insurance industry and how to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
Generate a list of key compliance requirements for the insurance industry and ensure your policies and procedures meet these requirements.
Create a process for conducting internal audits of your policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards.
Write a template for a compliance policy that outlines your organization's commitment to ethical and legal behavior.
Generate a plan for training employees on compliance requirements and best practices for ensuring compliance.
Create a process for monitoring and responding to regulatory changes or updates that may impact your business.
Write a script for conducting compliance reviews with clients to ensure they are following all necessary regulations and requirements.
Generate a list of common compliance violations and how to prevent them in your organization.
Create a process for reporting compliance violations to the appropriate authorities and taking necessary corrective actions.
Write a template for a compliance report that summarizes your organization's compliance efforts and results.

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