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100 Best Prompts to Learn Spanish with ChatGPT

Do you want to learn Spanish? Use an AI Text Generator like ChatGPT or Jasper AI to learn any language in the world.

Learning Spanish can be challenging, but with the help of ChatGPT, it doesn’t have to be. Here are 100 prompts to get you started on your journey to learning Spanish.

Just click “Copy Prompt” and paste the text! 

Some prompts serve as an introduction to communication with ChatGPT or Jaspar Chat and can then be further specified as the chat progresses. 

Table of Contents

Basic Vocabulary

Learning the basics is the first step to mastering any language. Here are some prompts to help you build your Spanish vocabulary.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish verbs with their English translations.
Write down the names of 10 common fruits in Spanish.
Generate a list of 5 common Spanish adjectives and their meanings.
Write a short paragraph using the Spanish words "hola", "adiós", "gracias" and "por favor".
Translate the following English words into Spanish: house, cat, car, tree, book.
Create a list of 10 common Spanish nouns with their English translations.
Write a short paragraph using the Spanish words "buenos días", "buenas tardes" and "buenas noches".
Translate the following English sentences into Spanish: "I am happy", "He is tall", "She is smart".

Numbers and Time

Knowing how to tell time and count is essential when learning a new language. Here are some prompts to help you practice your Spanish numbers and time-telling skills.

Write the Spanish words for the numbers 1 to 20.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your age, including the Spanish words for the numbers you need.
Write the Spanish words for the numbers 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.
Generate a list of 10 random numbers in Spanish and write their English translations.
Write down the Spanish words for the days of the week.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your daily routine, including the time you wake up, eat lunch, and go to bed.
Write the Spanish words for the months of the year.
Translate the following phrases into Spanish: "quarter past two", "half past three", "ten to six".


Understanding grammar is crucial when learning a new language. Here are some prompts to help you practice your Spanish grammar.

Create a list of 10 regular Spanish verbs in the present tense, and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish using the present tense of the verb "hablar".
Create a list of 5 common Spanish prepositions and their meanings.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish using the past tense of the verb "comer".
Generate a list of 5 irregular Spanish verbs and their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish using the future tense of the verb "estudiar".
Create a list of 5 common Spanish conjunctions and their meanings.

Speaking and Conversation

One of the best ways to learn a language is through conversation. Here are some prompts to help you practice speaking and listening in Spanish.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish phrases for daily conversation, and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite hobby, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you ask for directions to a nearby attraction in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your last vacation, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, introducing yourself and asking about ChatGPT's interests.
Watch a Spanish-language video on YouTube and summarize it in Spanish to a friend.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you order food in Spanish at a restaurant.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the weather and making plans for the day.

Travel and Tourism

Knowing a new language can enhance your travel experience in many ways. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for travel and tourism.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish phrases for travel and tourism, and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your dream vacation destination, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you check in at a hotel in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite city or town to visit, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, asking for recommendations for things to do and see in a specific city or town.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you ask for information at a tourist information center in Spanish.

Business Spanish

Learning Spanish can be useful in a business context, especially if you work in a field that interacts with Spanish-speaking clients or partners. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for business.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish phrases for business and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish introducing yourself and your job role to a potential client or partner.
Role-play a conversation with a coworker in which you discuss a business project in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a business idea you have, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, negotiating the terms of a business deal.
Role-play a conversation with a coworker in which you discuss a business proposal in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a recent business trip you took, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, making small talk with a potential client or partner.

Food and Drink

Food and drink are an important part of any culture, and learning Spanish vocabulary related to them can enhance your culinary experiences. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for food and drink.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish food items and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite type of food, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you order food in Spanish at a fast food restaurant.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a favorite dish you cook at home, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the menu options at a Spanish restaurant.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you order drinks in Spanish at a bar.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a traditional Spanish dish, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the ingredients of a Spanish recipe.

Health and Wellness

Knowing Spanish vocabulary related to health and wellness can be useful in various situations, from seeking medical care to discussing lifestyle choices. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for health and wellness.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish health-related vocabulary words and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite type of exercise, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a pharmacist in which you ask for medication recommendations in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite way to relax, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing a health condition and seeking medical advice.

Education and Learning

If you’re interested in learning Spanish, you likely value education and learning. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish in an educational context.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish school-related vocabulary words and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite subject in school, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a teacher in which you ask for help understanding a concept in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a book you recently read, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they recently read.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing different types of educational opportunities.
Role-play a conversation with a tutor in which you ask for help with homework in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a skill you would like to learn, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they would like to learn.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the importance of lifelong learning.

Technology and Social Media

Technology and social media play a big role in our lives, and knowing Spanish vocabulary related to them can help you communicate with Spanish-speaking friends or colleagues. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for technology and social media.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish technology-related vocabulary words and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite social media platform, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a customer service representative in which you report a technical issue in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a new app or website you recently discovered, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they recently discovered.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of technology.
Role-play a conversation with a friend in which you discuss your favorite TV show or movie in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a new gadget or device you recently purchased, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they recently purchased.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the impact of technology on society and culture.

Fashion and Beauty

Knowing Spanish vocabulary related to fashion and beauty can help you shop, communicate with Spanish-speaking professionals, and express your personal style. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish for fashion and beauty.

Create a list of 10 common Spanish fashion-related vocabulary words and write their English translations.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your personal style, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a sales associate in which you ask for assistance while shopping in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite beauty product, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing fashion and beauty trends.
Role-play a conversation with a hair stylist or makeup artist in which you describe the look you want in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a fashion or beauty influencer you follow, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they follow.
Practice a simple Spanish conversation with ChatGPT, discussing the cultural significance of fashion and beauty.

Sports and Hobbies

Sports and hobbies are a great way to connect with others and have fun. Here are some prompts to help you practice Spanish in the context of sports and hobbies.

Write a short paragraph in Spanish about your favorite sport or physical activity, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about theirs.
Role-play a conversation with a coach or teammate in which you discuss a game or practice in Spanish.
Write a short paragraph in Spanish about a hobby or pastime you enjoy, and ask a friend to respond in Spanish about one they enjoy.

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